Morris Garages has launched the BS6 MG Hector in India at Rs 12.74 lakh (ex-showroom Delhi). The BS6 updates are currently limited to petrol variants of the Hector. But the diesel engine is likely to be updated in time for the BS6 deadline, which is March 31. The Hector is a big mid-sizer which rivals the Kia Seltos and Tata Harrier. Here are the new prices: Variant BS6 Hector BS4 Hector Difference Style Rs 12.73 lakh Rs 12.48 lakh Rs 25,000 Super Rs 13.53 lakh Rs 13.28 lakh Rs 25,000 Super (hybrid) Rs 14.13 lakh Rs 13.88 lakh Rs 25,000 Smart (hybrid) Rs 15.23 lakh Rs 14.98 lakh Rs 25,000 Sharp (hybrid) Rs 16.53 lakh Rs 16.28 lakh Rs 25,000 Smart (Automatic) Rs 15.93 lakh Rs 15.68 lakh Rs 25,000 Sharp (Automatic) Rs 17.43 lakh Rs 17.18 lakh Rs 25,000 *all prices are ex-showroom Delhi Automatic variants of the petrol powered Hector get a dual-clutch transmission (DCT), while the standard transmission is a 6-speed manual. Power and torque output for the 1.5-litre turbocharged engine continues unchanged at 143PS and 250Nm.
The Hector is also available in a mild-hybrid form which adds a belt-driven starter-generator. It is capable of brake energy recuperation and provides a mild electric boost or torque assist when accelerating. Auto stop and start on idle is another feature of the Hector hybrid.
Since its rivals such as the Kia Seltos have BS6 diesel engines, the Hector is likely to get its 2.0-litre turbo diesel updated. Expect the diesel’s price hike to be steeper than the petrol. Meanwhile, MG Motor is also working on a 6-7 seater version of the Hector.