Mahindra has started testing the BS6-compliant Scorpio in India and could upgrade it to meet the stringent emission norms before the arrival of its successor. The updated full-size SUV is expected to hit showrooms before the April 1 deadline. The test mule seen here had a sticker reading ‘Use BS6 Fuel Only’ on its fuel lid. It was also seen with the D140 badge, indicating its power output. This could suggest that the existing 2.2-litre diesel could be upgraded to meet BS6 norms. Currently, this engine is offered in two states of tune: 122PS/280Nm and 142PS/320Nm. The lower-output model comes with a 5-speed manual while the higher-output model is offered with a 6-speed unit. Also Read: The 2020 Mahindra Thar Looks Like A Mini Jeep Wrangler Mahindra could also be testing the existing Scorpio with the new updated BS6-compliant 2.0-litre diesel engine, which makes its way to the 2020 XUV500 and the next-gen Thar. We expect this updated powertrain to develop around 140PS and 320Nm, figures similar to the higher-output mHawk engine. We also expect Mahindra to offer this engine with an automatic and all-wheel-drive option. The BS6-compliant Mahindra Scorpio is expected to come at a premium over the BS4 model, which is priced from Rs 10.20 lakh (ex-showroom). The Scorpio doesn’t have any direct rivals since the demise of the much-loved Tata Safari Storme. It locks horns with the Kia Seltos and the MG Hector in terms of pricing.