Kia Motors has announced the sales figures of the Seltos in India. The carmaker sold 7,466 Seltos units in March, the highest among all SUV segments, despite a sales slump caused by the coronavirus lockdown announced on March 24. Thus, the Seltos has almost single-handedly made Kia India’s third-largest carmaker by monthly sales volume. Kia has also pledged to donate Rs 2 crore to the Chief Minister's Relief Fund in Andhra Pradesh to help the state in its fight against the coronavirus pandemic. Also Read: March Sales Sales figure Number of Seltos sold 7,466 Number of Carnivals sold 1,117 Cumulative Kia sales in March 8,583 Cumulative Seltos sales all-time 81,784 Before the Carnival’s launch at Auto Expo 2020, the Seltos was Kia’s sole offering in India. Other than the smaller and more affordable Hyundai Venue, the Seltos is the only SUV to beat India’s former SUV champion, the Maruti Suzuki Vitara Brezza.
Kia made its India debut with the Seltos on August 22. It is a mid-size SUV powered by either 1.5-litre BS6 petrol and diesel engines or a 1.4-litre turbo petrol engine. It retails between Rs 9.89 lakh and Rs 17.29 lakh (ex-showroom). India is under a government-imposed 21-day lockdown until April 14 due to the coronavirus pandemic. Car dealerships and service centres have shut down while potential car buyers are staying at and working from home. Kia had halted wholesale billings on March 16 to prevent the inventory from stacking up during the period of low demand. The carmaker has also announced that it has extended its free service period by two months to compensate its customers for the time lost due to the lockdown. Currently, the carmaker is keeping its helplines active for customers, though service and sales centres are closed. Sales, service, and booking facilities can be accessed via the company’s official website.
Coronavirus Impact On March Car Sales In India