Kia Motors India has announced that its sub-4-metre sport utility vehicle (SUV), the QYI, will arrive in 2020. You can read our story here about the third Kia in India. Now, the Venue-based compact SUV was spotted testing on Delhi roads with camouflage. It bears a striking resemblance to the Kia Stonic SUV in terms of the front fascia and roofline. It is expected to be equipped with BS6 powertrains from the Venue and Kia Seltos, including the Venue’s 1.0-litre turbo-petrol motor. While the Venue retails from Rs 6.5 lakh to 11.11 lakh, expect the Kia sub-4 metre SUV to be priced higher. The latest test mule shows large front fog lamps sitting below wraparound headlamps. The bonnet seam shows a kink in the middle. In addition, the grille visible beneath the camouflage has a large mesh design. These cues are different from the Stonic and could mean the car will get a larger Tiger Nose grille. Since the Stonic is a bit more than 4 metres long, its India-spec cousin is likely to get a redesigned rear end with a shorter overhang. Along with the Venue’s platform, the Kia QYI is also likely to get the Venue’s turbocharged 1.0-litre petrol engine with BS6 updates. The diesel engine could be from the Seltos, a BS6-compliant 1.5-litre unit. As for transmissions, a 6-speed manual is likely to be standard. A dual-clutch automatic is likely, but it remains to be seen if the diesel engine will get a torque converter auto like the Seltos. Kia is expected to reveal the QYI SUV in late 2020. It will compete in the growing SUV vehicle segment. Its chief rivals will be the segment-leading Maruti Suzuki Vitara Brezza, Hyundai Venue, Nissan Kicks, Renault Duster, Mahindra XUV300, and the soon-to-be-updated Tata Nexon. We expect it to come at a premium over the Venue’s price tag of Rs 6.5 lakh to 11.11 lakh (ex-showroom, Delhi). Source: Team-BHP