Jeep India is all set to launch the Compass Limited Plus diesel-automatic (AT) variant in the next two weeks. Sources have informed that prices could start from Rs 25 lakh which significantly undercuts the flagship Trailhawk variant (Rs 26.80 lakh, ex-showroom Delhi). Dealers have started accepting bookings for the upcoming Compass diesel AT for a token of Rs 50,000. The Compass Limited Plus diesel-automatic will utilise the BS6-compliant 2.0-litre Multijet engine found in the top-spec Trailhawk variant. It develops 170PS of power and 350Nm of torque and comes mated to a 9-speed ZF automatic gearbox. Before you ask us, only the 4X4 Limited Plus variant will be available with the two-pedal set up. The presence of the diesel AT powertrain in the Limited Plus means you don’t need to skimp on essential features like powered front seats with memory function, automatic headlamps and wipers. These were absent in the off-road centric Trailhawk variant. It’s also expected to come with cruise control and a start-stop function, features which were earlier exclusive to the Trailhawk. Other features like an 8.4-inch infotainment system with an Android Auto and Apple CarPlay, dual-zone climate control, a panoramic sunroof, a multi-info display and keyless entry with push button start will be on offer. Safety features include 6 airbags, ABS with EBD, electronic stability control, electric parking brake, rear parking sensors and a rear view camera. The introduction of the diesel AT in the lower-spec Limited Plus variant is an ace up its sleeve as it makes the Compass diesel automatic range affordable. When launched, the Compass Limited Plus diesel automatic will lock horns with the upcoming Tata Harrier Automatic which is slated for launch soon.